Quiet 31st night. Will go to sleep in short while. Good night every one!
Out going for dinner at Nishantha’s in Sri Lanka
Not sure why dont we have an Edit feature here for people like me who sometimes wanting to do slight edit in a post…
Here in Sri Lanka for short break and to attend niece’s wedding function on December 14th. Also celebrated mother’s 85th Birthday, along with sisters while I’m here. I feel good for being able to be with mom on her birthday for the 1st time after some 26 years ago.
Much needed quietness and rest right here…
Being the 1st working day after 5 days of extended weekend, I have to say it was much productive day.
I must follow more people here.
Last day of 5 days extended weekend.
Signing in from new MacBook.
New MacBook set up completed ealier this morning.
Yay! to my weekend here !
Home alone…
Has been chatting with Microsoft online support for last half hour to get help with how to set up custom domain on my O365 Home Premium. No one could still help. Note for self: Case No 1403954689
Pleasently surprised by COO’s very inspiring speech to the team earlier this afternoon.
Trying hard to focus and get along with some work for the day job from home
Time to get some sleep, I think. It has been a good 1st day of the weekend with lots of resting. I have to say, keeping away from checking work email for the entire day for the 1st time, helped
The tail of the aircraft did not appear
I think, tomorrow I will spend some time here to figure out customs domain for my site.
This was the aeroplane I flew when I first arrived here.
Okay installed iOS app on iPad Pro
I’m still trying to get around here and understand how this thing works.
At one point, I must try webmasters for domain registar
My micro.blog expired it says; not sure what do I have to do…?
Just a new post
So here I’m on iOS app on iPad Pro
Last day in Sri Lanka on this trip
Extended weekend is here!
It’s past 1100pm in the night and time to head for the bed.
Updating my ToDo list on 10C
Fish Tank filter cleaned up
Couch Friday!
Some times I miss dong Daddy’s taxi service with the daughter
I like my micro.blog homepage - nice & sleek
Where did my previous post disappear…?
> We write to tsate life twice, in the moment and in retrospect” -Anais Nin
Still nothing much seems happening in this space
Sunset, Sri Lanka
All right, signed up for two months free trial of micro.blog site
Hello world! This is my First Post here.
No hurry